Rules & Approvals
What goes, and what doesn't...
First and foremost is the Golden Rule, do unto others as you'd like others do unto you. So, be kind, be helpful. I am not expecting an encyclopediac knowledge of the Star Wars EU, because that is insane. If your knowledge is shallow that's fine, ask questions!
Next, if a scene is ongoing please keep OOC to a minimum, or feel free to spawn up an OOC sub-room if you can't be involved but do want to chat. I am not going to enforce this heavily on light scenes, so long as it's not getting to be more OOC than IC, but the more folks participating, ideally the less folks OOCing.
We reserve the right to remove anyone who is being belligerent, or whose character concepts are too built around aping real world bigotry. "BuT it'S wHaT MUh cHAraCtER woULd do!!!" will not cut it.
Finally, please please please keep the drama llamas in check.
In terms of the themes and tone, the intent is small folks striking above their weight. Smugglers, bounty hunters, operatives. The folks whose lives, and deaths, may alter history with their actions. May.