The Room Rules
1. Don't god mod bitch.
2. No OOC drama, shut up, I don't care.
3. Mods/Owners say is final, if someone tells you no, shut up and deal with it or get kicked.
4. One warning, one kick, one ban. If you've been kicked, more than likely you did something to break a rule. So check over this shit because we shouldn't have to verbally warn first.
5. Have fun.
6. Always accepting new employee applications. More than likely we'll run you through a trial to see if you're a good fit first before hiring on.
7. Issues? PM an owner to discuss them, no drama in the room.
8. Characters have to be 18+. No; if, ands or buts about it. That means if your character stopped aging at a certain age, they better have stopped at 18+.
9. Sexual content IS allowed in the room, along with the use of drugs and alcohol.
10. No lurking without informing a mod/owner first. It's just creepy..
11. Three sentence minimum post length required in the room, sorry. One-liners just don't give any details to work with. So put effort into your posts. So your post should be as long as this rule I typed up, have fun and thanks.
Profile Requirements. -
Some details, at least a good bio. Basic stats, for example; Name, Age, Race, Gender. A picture or a good description of the character in the profile to use as a visual image. No blanks accepted, sorry. If a mod or owner tells you that you simply don't have enough info, don't bitch about it. Fix it or get out.
This is the order you should contact IN PM first. Panty/Lazy--->Bakdom. Other mods in the room are mainly there to report to the owner/co-owner should they be away. They have no executive power.