Everyone deserves a second chance. Smut is a room free of the hate and the irritation found elsewhere on this site. Pull up a chair and smut freely with your smut-filled bretheren. Fornicate in the safety of knowing there’s no bullshit hate flying from mods and owners banning you on principal. That also means there is no room for hate here: just free flowing smut like the fine wine of somewhere that has fine wine. France has fine wine, right? The point is, we have smut, 86 the bad noise.


1. Everyone is held to the same fucking standard. Mods and owners are the same as members and guests.

2. Don’t be a cunt, bitch, dick, shithead, whatever. That means no trolling and no causing a ruckus. Trolling is like porn, yeah? We know it when we see it.

3. You need a profile to be in here. You’re going to need a few words and not just in the header. A picture would be swell.

4. No fetish hating. People are into all sorts of shit, let them have their tastes. Oh, but you may be asked to not flaunt it in the room. Don’t be disruptive.

5. No racial or sexual slurs.

6. To borrow a page from those that came before: all are welcome here

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For any immediate profile help, please contact Melicia or Shya, we're happy to help.