9/22/2015 - Managed to get the group linked, coded, and geeeenerally up and running! Should hopefully get things going smoothly from here on out.~
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dolor nisl, semper in metus sit amet, tincidunt sollicitudin mi. Suspendisse nec fringilla elit, vitae commodo orci. Vestibulum sit amet vehicula magna, et aliquet neque. Duis eleifend mauris nulla, sit amet porta purus accumsan vehicula. Duis vestibulum tellus vitae ligula mattis, accumsan cursus ante rhoncus. Nulla et augue augue. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed ac nibh ornare, hendrerit purus ac, scelerisque dolor. In eu porttitor dui. Nulla sit amet sodales sapien. Fusce pharetra urna nec nulla tempor, nec tristique nulla feugiat. Vivamus vulputate est lorem, sed vestibulum est tincidunt sed. Quisque eget aliquet quam. Pellentesque sit amet dui ac purus lobortis tempor eget vel nisi. Aenean euismod, enim ut consequat egestas, lorem mauris auctor est, ut vestibulum nulla eros in nibh. Curabitur volutpat felis erat, consectetur suscipit libero interdum ut.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dolor nisl, semper in metus sit amet, tincidunt sollicitudin mi. Suspendisse nec fringilla elit, vitae commodo orci. Vestibulum sit amet vehicula magna, et aliquet neque. Duis eleifend mauris nulla, sit amet porta purus accumsan vehicula. Duis vestibulum tellus vitae ligula mattis, accumsan cursus ante rhoncus. Nulla et augue augue. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed ac nibh ornare, hendrerit purus ac, scelerisque dolor. In eu porttitor dui. Nulla sit amet sodales sapien. Fusce pharetra urna nec nulla tempor, nec tristique nulla feugiat. Vivamus vulputate est lorem, sed vestibulum est tincidunt sed. Quisque eget aliquet quam. Pellentesque sit amet dui ac purus lobortis tempor eget vel nisi. Aenean euismod, enim ut consequat egestas, lorem mauris auctor est, ut vestibulum nulla eros in nibh. Curabitur volutpat felis erat, consectetur suscipit libero interdum ut.
• Tsun Rose
• ???
• ???
- Please have some kind of profile. A picture and some information would be acceptable. Blank profiles will be notified, but if nothing is done, there will be a kick.
- Be careful when making OCs. With superhero characters, sometimes one can get carried away and make someone too OP, so make sure there's good balance involved!
Also, no NEXTs with more than one power. Two power NEXTs are supposed to be incredibly rare, so please let's keep it that way.
- Doubles when it comes to canon characters are certainly allowed. Just because someone else has a Kotetsu name doesn't mean you can't play him, too. However, if a canon character is in an ongoing RP in chat already, it'd be really weird to have a clone pop up, so be mindful of that, at least!
Original layout code was done by Vultergyst |