Welcome to A Song of Ice and Fire!



This is a roleplay based on George RR Martin's "Game of Thrones"


We are a non canon roleplay with only original characters. The play is alternate universe but the world remains the same. This includes the geography/terrain, weather, feudal system, established lands/kingdoms, animals, weapons, titles, poisons and etc. Some canon history does apply to help set the stage for the roleplay and ensure the familiarity and enjoyment of the game. Aegon Targaryen still conquered the seven kingdoms. A premise will soon be added to this page. 


This roleplay is very friendly, and drama is not tolerated. Feel free to message the group owner to clarify anything that the group does not give. Visit our website for available openings, characters played and other information. Our Website

Rules And Regulation


1. No metagaming. Due to this being a plot driven roleplay and players being allowed to create multiple characters, some metagaming, unfortunately, cannot be avoided. If you feel that you have been wronged by either a host or another player, please see one of the room OWNERS to discuss this. Metagaming is the act of using in scene knowledge from reading other's posts and directly applying it to your character. If this is witnessed, you will be privately messaged to discuss it.


2. Be respectful. This roleplay is for fun and we would like for you to enjoy it. Any misunderstandings should be taken to PM so that the RP is not disrupted. Drama will not be tolerated.


3. OOC is permitted during slow periods of the room. There is usually an OOC room opened if it gets out of hand.


4. The room is an open sex zone, but you may be asked to take it to PM. Remember, sexual encounters can be part of the roleplay but should not take over the roleplay.


5. Due to the content of the room, this roleplay is for typists of 18+ years of age.


6. Rape, incest, murder, torture and death in general happens. Said events must be agreed to by both parties OOC unless otherwise directed towards on NPC. NPC reaction and effect are open to interpretation. 


7. You are permitted as many characters as you like and is actually encouraged so that you may not get stuck in a storyline and left unable to play. There is a 2 character limit on main house characters. Players are permitted either two of the same gender in two different main houses, or one of each gender in two main houses. However, one cannot be both heir and paramount in respective areas. This also goes for having two heirs, and any other situation that will set you up to control two powerful areas by default. If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to discuss with an owner in PM. 


8. There are/will be large storyline archs in the room, these can change at whim. If you would like to know what is going on in the RP, please read the current events page. Hosts will try the best they can to help find you a spot in this roleplay.


9. This roleplay is an alternate universe and we do not require members to have read the novels or have seen the shows, however we do ask that you have some basic idea of the world. A wikipedia is provided on the website.


10. Due to this being an alternate universe, no one in this roleplay is required to adhere to the values, dynamics and characteristics of the houses. If anyone is witnessed harassing other players for personality type, color of hair, their clothing and etc will be given a warning. If it persists, you will be banned from the room.


11. NPCs are in place to create an atmosphere for those in play. NPCs are there to aid you in your storylines however you see fit, we ask that you take them into consideration before harming them. Your character's actions against NPCs will have benefits/consequence depending on the scenario.



Character Creation Information and Guidelines



1. All characters must be approved before play.


2. Canons are not permitted, nor are canon back stories.


3. Valyrian steel is extremely rare please discuss with a room owner if you wish to have steel that is not inheritance. 


4. Magic has died along with the dragons. Available magic is extremely limited. Skinchanging (ability to get into animals) as well as warging (ability to get into wolves as well as other animals) has opened but will be permitted on a limited basis. All abilities must be discovered and honed in play.

5. A profile must include this basic information: A real faceclaim that is not CGI, painting, nor drawing. Age of the character, as well as height and weight, and color of eyes and hair. NOTE ON FACECLAIMS: We do allow canon faces from the Game of Thrones HBO show, but we ask that you make this face for an opposing house it does not represent within the show. See management for clarification if needed.


The world of A Song of Ice and Fire remains the same. While there are no canons in this roleplay, everything that has been created is still there.


If there are any questions, send a PM to a host in the room.






1. What does "Non Canon" Imply? -- Non canon means that characters from the shows and/or books do not exist in this roleplay. Most canon histories leading up to "Robert's Rebellion" have happened.


2. Can I have a Valyrian steel weapon? -- Short answer? Unless your character has it per inheritance as listed on the "Rules" tab, you are not permitted the weapon unless otherwise discussed with owners.


3. What characters are available? -- A list of all available NPCs of importance are listed on the website under the "NPC" tab. If you do not see what you are interested on that page, please speak to the owner for help/discussion.


4. Can I have a dragon? -- Dragons are currently (thought to be) extinct in this roleplay.


5. If I play a Stark, can I have a direwolf? -- Direwolves might be permitted on a storyline basis and only when a player has been active and trusted in use of what is considered a "Weapon of Mass Destruction" within the game.


6. Can I make a custom house or a custom kingdom? -- Yes, you may! However, they will go through an extensive approval process. Speak to management.


7. Is this a smut friendly roleplay? -- This roleplay is not smut. Sexual encounters do happen and are allowed within the main chat. If it is too heavy and taking over the room, you will be asked to take it to PM.


If your question was not answered here, please PM the owner for clarification.