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Group page description will go here, whatever that may be. Blah blah I am a description and I like to welcome people because that's what I do. Holla.

 Season 1

1. Rule Name Here

This is a rule and shit because.. you know. Rules.

2. Rule Name Here

This is a rule and shit because.. you know. Rules.

3. Rule Name Here

This is a rule and shit because.. you know. Rules.

4. Rule Name Here

This is a rule and shit because.. you know. Rules.

5. Rule Name Here

This is a rule and shit because.. you know. Rules.

6. Rule Name Here

This is a rule and shit because.. you know. Rules.

7. Rule Name Here

This is a rule and shit because.. you know. Rules.


 Season 2

1. Owner: Smoketastic

Hi, I'm the owner. Come to me if there are an issues! Quote goes here basically.

2. Mod: Dazai Ex Machina

Hi, I'm a mod. Come to me if there are an issues! Quote goes here basically.

3. Mod: Kitchen Witch

Oh! Greetings friend! I'm Poett, but you can just call me Poe. If you need any help or have any questions pertaining to Netflix & RP or coding feel free to message me. I'd be happy to assist! You can contact me through Mutism, Indica, or Kitchen Witch. I hope you enjoy your stay!

4. Mod: Solivagant

Well hello there! I'm Sirius. I like to think I'm pretty friendly, so if you have any questions about the group or the room, don't be shy! I'll always get back to ya soon as I'm able and help with whatever it is as best I can.

 5. Mod: Mr. Bad Touch

 Hi, I'm a mod. Come to me if there are an issues! Quote goes here basically.


 Season 3

 1. Announcement title here

 This is the description. Woohoo. Lookit me. I'm a fuckin' announcement. Neato.

 2. Kitchen Witch - Poett

 Coded this group page. Something about my stupid ass here.

 3. Announcement title here

 This is the description. Woohoo. Lookit me. I'm a fuckin' announcement. Neato.

 4. Shoutout

 This could be you ♥!

 5. Announcement title here

 This is the description. Woohoo. Lookit me. I'm a fuckin' announcement. Neato.

 6. Announcement title here

 This is the description. Woohoo. Lookit me. I'm a fuckin' announcement. Neato.

 7. Another shoutout wooo

 This is the description. Woohoo. Lookit me. I'm a fuckin' shoutout. Neato.