Welcome to the 501st Joint Fighter Wing!
As the first established Joint Fighter Wing, the 501st JFW is a specialist unit comprised of several of the greatest aces of the time. The unit was stationed in Britannia under the jurisdiction of the headquarters of the Western World (Headquarters: Britannia / Air Force Commander: Air Marshal Trevor Maloney) until the Liberation of Gallia after which it was disbanded. The unit has since been reformed at the order of Air Vice Marshal Adolfine Galland and is currently based in Romagna, on an island in the Adriatic Sea.
Commanding Officers
(Group Owners)

Commander Minna-dietlinde wilcke

major Sakamoto Mio

Nikka Edvardine Katajainen

Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen
"You better read these or I'll beat you~!"
1) This is an RP Room, so please keep OOC to a minimum!:
The main room is always open and was made mostly for Strike Witches RP, so please try and keep OOC to a minimum if an RP is present. However, is RP is not present, then OOC is welcomed. We just want to avoid OOC interrupting or completely crashing an RP when it happems.
2) Keep a Respectful Atmosphere – ABSOLUTELY NO DRAMA!:
I know its human nature to fight, but I will made this as clear as I can make it. DRAMA WILL NOT BE TOLERATED IN ROOM! If someone lashes out at someone else, or provokes someone else in room, you will be kicked out of the main room until you can learn how to behave. If problems persist, channel Ops can and will use the Ban hammer. You have been warned!
3) No sexual RP in the main room:
Its kinda obvious that Strike Witches is a less than PG anime/manga, and that less than PG things are suggested to happen. This is even more possible when taken to an RP site, but please, if you feel the need to engage in such Rps, please take it to private. Theres a time and place for everything~<3
4) Original Characters ARE Welcome!:
OC's are not just allowed, but openly encouraged given the limited slots of canon witches. Just be sure not to overpower or, “Godmod” your witch.
5) Have a Grasp on the English Language:
If you are wanting to take part in any roleplay that takes place in the 501st room, it is required that you have some knowledge of what the English language is. We are not by any means asking for ultra quality grammar here and we are by no means the grammar police. We only ask that there is to be no netspeek in room, and individuals who can't spell out even the most basic of sentences (IE, Sixth-Grader mentality) are not permitted. This has been added due to it becomming a trend as of late, and offenders will risk the chance of a channel kick and/or ban.
6) No Profile and Talent is Welcome. No Profile and Not Caring is Not:
Now we all know that some of the users of RPH are far more well-versed in the ways of HTML than some of us. This leads to a large gap between users who can make pretty profiles, and those who are only capable of more simple layouts. The Strike Witches room has no profile quality checklists that visitors have to run through in order to participate, but we do ask that if you choose to not fill out a profile with at least a little information that you show us you are capable of roleplaying to begin with. Some very good RPers have scarce profiles, but individuals who merely make a name, log on, proceed to only speek in netspeek, and do not bother themselves in trying are not welcome.
If any questions persist, please let the moderators know and they will do their best to answer any qualms you may have~!