Medabots are artificially intelligent robots, whose purpose is to serve humans. The world of Medabots takes place in the 22nd century, usually in Japan. The world is enthralled by Medabots... some people keep them as friends. Others use them for combat, also known as Robattles. Discover what it means to live with Medabots. Push forward and be the best Robattler that you can be! Discover friendships, and overcome hardships together, for a brighter future!
1) We know Medabots is kind of unknown, and has very little release outside of Japan. However, if you have any questions or concerns, don't be afraid to ask! We don't bite!
2) Please be open-minded whenever possible, and help expand the community. Lets not scare away people, or upset them. 3) Don't be critical of others and what they like. We're all a family bound by a shared interest. 4) Do not bring any personal drama to the room, aint nobody got time for that! 5) Please listen to staff whenever possible, however we don't want you to be intimidated or hateful of us either! We love all of you and want everyone to be as happy as possible. 6) Do not break up IC interactions with OOC. When the room is quiet, it is completely acceptable to OOC chat but RP takes precedence. 7) If you wanna get freaky, please don't do it in public. Private Messages! Aww yeah! 8. Please put as much information on your profile as you plan to reference/make use of. Lets not use techniques or abilities not listed on profiles. That's just unfair! All Rules may change from time to time, make sure to check for updates! |