The City Of Baldur's Gate

Where we lay our scene...


Welcome to the largest metropolis and city-state on the Sword Coast, within the greater Western Heartlands, a crowded city of commerce and opportunity and perhaps the most prosperous and influential merchant city on the western coast of Faerun!





Baldur's Gate

 City Map

Points of Interest

Points of Interest (2)




(Player vs Player)


    1. 1- Do NOT start a fight if you don’t know how to play fair.



  1. 2- Play in good faith, not to feed your ego. This is just RP, and RP is supposed to be fun for the people you’re fighting with as well as for you. If you can’t figure out when to relent and take damage, you will be asked to relinquish control by rolling up a character sheet and learning to use the dice so the fights stay fair. We are not picking fights just to ruin the other player’s good time. That’s called starting drama. For our rules about Drama, check rule 7 under the General RP category. 



  1. 3- Read your opponent's posts THOROUGHLY and do not change details to better serve yourself. Do not diminish the blows of your opponent to tip the scales in your favor. Do not ASSUME things! Communicate with your writing partner before you make your post if you have questions. 



  1. 4- Do not godmode, do not metagame, do not powerplay.

(Unless it’s part of the fun and you’re both in on the joke.)

If you need help figuring out what that means, here is an example of what they are.   


(General RP)


1- No Lolita/Shota/Cub or underage profiles, of ANY sort. Players need to be adults and so do their characters. Period. This also goes for profiles actively seeking to find these things.


2- No Nazi shit. This is not a safe space for you.


3- Characters must be D&D-based. The world is expansive, it’s easy to google up races and such, and even if you don’t have a character sheet or follow the rules to a T, your character is welcome and so is homebrew content so long as we can make it fit. (see rule 10 for firearm limitations)


4- Even if there isn't anything bigger going on keep shit posting to an absolute minimum.


5- Keep OOC to a minimum. There are other rooms and DMs for that. Respect ongoing scenes and don’t scroll/flood posts.


6- Read the room, don’t ruin a good vibe. If you get disruptive/combative about it, you will be shown the door. Nobody is paying the moderators here and they all have excessively short fuses. And really big hammers they like to smash around with. Stay out of the way.


7- Leave your drama at the door or keep it to a DM.


8- Violence and Sexual Content are very much allowed. Sometimes both in the same scene. 


9- Do not white knight or insert yourself into other people’s scenes without asking first.


10- Artificer explosives and guns are welcome, HOWEVER, any firearm is limited to single action/load only like most projectiles such as bow/crossbow(e.g. no revolvers, no, pepperboxes, no multi-round magazines/clips). Guns must be reloaded, and the obvious is that a free hand must be available to do so(no dual-wield). Non-magical shots are limited to piercing and unless they're used by a rifle, may be dodged due to accuracy/distance limitions of small weapons(We dont care how good your character's aim is, rudimentary weapons are not). Magical properties are fine, but limited to one type per shot. (e.g. A single magically imbued projectile may contain any single magical/elemental damage type). Any ammunition that splits magically into a 'multi-shot' is limited to 3 projectiles and the damage becomes force(raw magic).

Don't try to godmode with your firearms or you will be asked to start rolling for misfires.

If you can't abide by set firearm limitations, go find a more modern RP.


11- Straight up porn profiles are not welcome.


(Group Owners)



Challenger Deep